Social Fraud squad hotdogging and grandstanding on capitol hill to protest the eviction mortarium

Hacks are making this about their feeling for me. Per usual when I criticize dems.

The subject at hand is the show that the fraud squad is doing after the fact.

I couldn’t have a rental property in the USA. I think that’s too risky

I’m from Maryland and it can get bad quick there for owners Plus property taxes are nuts there. So any vacancy is pretty punishing
I'd rather own property in the US than most of the countries I've traveled to.

Also you're saying other countries wouldn't have the eviction ban like the US did? Or other countries don't have laws that favor squatters like the US does?
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I'd rather own property in the US than most of the countries I've traveled to.

Also you're saying other countries wouldn't have the eviction ban like the US did? Or other countries don't have laws that favor squatters like the US does?
Well, I agree with that solely due to the US being the GOAT regardless of laws around eviction and squatting but yes I think your point on that matter stands as well. In fact many countries are far worse when it comes to favoring squatters. You see this in parts of Latin America and the result is that upper class folks over there would prefer to invest in rental properties here, usually through some middleman that lives in South Florida or California or other such places in the US that have many upper class Latin Americans.

South Asia also has wonky laws over property, in fact there's a joke among South Asians about how common property disputes between extended family are. Basically what happens is one part of the family moves abroad but still owns property back in Pakistan and some family member who lives in Pakistan squats the property and tries to take it. Not really informed on the details of such things but I have heard of stuff like that.
They ruined the average lazy American during pandemic.

Didnt have to pay rent

Got over paid in unemployment stimulus packages, most of which paid more than full-time employment does

Utilities couldnt shut down customers

Out here in Socal, I have never ever ever seen so many signs, even in places “w/o jobs” typically, now looking to desperately hire and you can tell they are struggling smh…..

There is housing shortage right? Well, if we evict everyone that doesn't pay, that should open up some housing. Especially the assholes that own multiple homes and dont even use them.

Pandemic bless
Even if it makes sense for the moratorium to end eventually, no politician wants to be the one holding the bag at the end. They will be blamed for destroying the lives of millions of people.

They did that in 2020....

Most idiots just didn't realize it
AOC was always a bag of hot Air. She’s never actually done anything. She never will and only cares about staying in power as it is her meal ticket. She’s a whore. Only difference is that she’s fooled a lot of people into thinking she isn’t. She’s a whore like most of the political elite. So don’t get too butt hurt
She hasn't fooled me. Would smesh as hard as possible
Shakespeare on Frauds.


It always makes my heart happy to see young liberals growing up and and become cynical after learning that all this leftist garbage is a giant virtue signaling crap and the only person who really cares about your well being and can actually do anything about is....


And maybe your mom if you're lucky
I kinda lucked out as all three of my rental properties were occupied by people that didn’t lose their jobs. Not sure what I’d do if I had to deal with freeloading turds.

But yeah, these people need to either pay rent or get out. Maybe both if they owe back rent.

By your location... It's because you're in Indiana.

Good luck being a small business owner or landlord in California... where they care more about assholes in tents than people who actually contribute to society.
Hacks are making this about their feeling for me. Per usual when I criticize dems.

The subject at hand is the show that the fraud squad is doing after the fact.

Evicting people who don't pay rent should be crime?

omg... lol... These fucking people.

Exactly how the fuck is the Great Reset supposed to work where no owns anything and we all are supposed to pay rent... but these fucks don't have the backbone to expect people to actually pay rent.





Conservatives today live in fantasy land. I know I know, MS13 is raping everyone since Biden got the job, and the economy actually bouncing back is really just a product of Trump single handedly creating a Vaccine.

This fuckin thread lol. Bunch of losers (not you per se) spewing vile shit about AOC and pretending they'd smash Dat poon if given the chance.

As if Alicia.
Evicting people who don't pay rent should be crime?

omg... lol... These fucking people.

Exactly how the fuck is the Great Reset supposed to work where no owns anything and we all are supposed to pay rent... but these fucks don't have the backbone to expect people to actually pay rent.

We're talking about potentially millions of people all at once. The system will allow people to be taken advantage of. The government exacerbated the problem, they should fix it.

But everyone too busy blaming others and refusing to take responsibility. Pelosi spent all weekend talking about how the republicans are to blame. Dems are blaming the CDC. Republicans and democrats are blaming Biden. Everyone has a scapegoat.

But I actually meant to post another tweet from him. I wasn't paying attention.
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The High Priest of gaslighting shows up to get his cup of coffee in the big time. Cup of coffee in the big time. Yeah.

He's only the most powerful senator and his powers are limited. Nothing he could have done until 5 pm eastern standard time 2 days after the mortarium ended.
The High Priest of gaslighting shows up to get in his hotdogging and grandstanding.

He's only the most powerful senator and his powers are limited. Nothing he could have done until 5 pm eastern standard time 2 days after the mortarium ended.
Cori Bush: we need to confront Congress.
Max Blumenthal: Are you going to take us to confront Pelosi?
Cori Bush's goons: the congress woman isn't taking questions.

Place your hands on your chin and pretend to be super cereal.

Fryman, we are full of religion now. Everyone, please - bow your heads, and pretend to be serious.

It's not the right time. We must bootlick politicians. Sounds like some sherdoggers I know.

"A whore, like most of the political elite"
You: "wah! You can't call a woman a whore!"

Are most of the political elite women, or are you retarded?
There is no other option, so don't respond with some lame deflection. You're either retarded or deluded. Which is it?
Give it a bone. Even @ElKarlo knew what he was doing when he did it, that’s why he immediately followed it up with his nonsense “all politicians are” line. Nobody is fooled

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